pharoahe fuckin' monch's topp tre konspirationsteorier
- jfk assassination
[there was definitly cia involvment. I would say there were outside hands in the pot. there's too much evidence leading towards that. I think there was more than one shooter. you can't really pinpoint the whole cia, it was certain factions. when you see the studies and watch the programmes on jfk, there's just so much underhandedness. I guess the mafia could have had involvement in it. all roads lead to the cia somewhere along the way] - roswell incident
[it's possible that there are intelligent life forms out there, it's a definitive possibility. I don't have the first hand knowledge of it. when you're dealing with the technology of today as far as space travel, biology and chemistry, I think our government might have traded or obtained information from aliens. it's classified but I think it will be made public sooner than we imagine. people's opinions have changed and we're becoming more open minded. the recent discoveries of water on other planets means that they could sustain life] - death of marilyn monroe
[that one's a little bit funny because of the drugs and all. but again people of power, people in a place of high position, have so many different agendas. you can't directly say it was an order from the top, but it definitely points to some underhand involvement. some things are kept secret from the general public for obvious reasons]